Intel preps mobile processors for higher clock speeds

Santa Clara (CA) – Intel is transitioning seven small-package Core 2 Duo CPUs as well as one Celeron M processor to new steppings, which will include “speed enhancements” for the Montevina notebook platform and lay the foundation for a higher clock speed, the company said.

The Core 2 Duo SL9300 (1.60 GHz), SL9400 (1.86 GHz), SP9300 (2.26 GHz) and SP9400 (2.40 GHz) will be moved from a C-0 stepping to E-0, while the Celeron M ULV 723 (1.2 GHz), Core 2 Solo SU3300 (1.20 GHz, single-core), Core 2 Duo SU9300 (1.20 GHz), and SU9400 (1.40 GHz) will switch from M-0 to R-0.

The effect of both stepping changes is the same – there are speed path improvements, which will enable higher frequency models, according to Intel. There are no electrical, mechanical or thermal changes.With the exception of the Celeron M model, the conversion affects only small package processors: SP models that focus on performance, SL version that have a greater focus on energy efficiency as well as SU versions that solely focus on energy efficiency. Intel defines SP processors as small-package CPUs with a thermal envelope of 20-29 watts, SL processors with 12-19 watts and SU processors with less than 12 watts.

We can’t really remember a time when Intel’s processor descriptions were as confusing as they are today, so here is a quick reminder what those cryptic prefixes mean:

Intel told its customers that samples of the new processors will be available by December 8 of this year. Volume shipments are set to begin on or after March 2 of next year. The company said that there will not be any form, fit and function changes between the stepping conversions, however, system

Want to browse faster than ever?read/view/analyze this post/stats

chrome got its own features like drag and drop tabs and the most important feature is its start up time.that really great and 150% increase in Javascript performance brings your browser act smart in case of not responding and script execution cases.
see below image for javascript performance

coming to the speed for browsing there is another browser which nearly reach chrome's speed.its opera 10 final
here is the comparison chart


Memory usage chart

Tab loading speed

overall java script  speed

but chrome has got no addons like firefox or flock.using firefox and flock u can browse and also have lot of benifits using 1000's of addons.
so i suggest my readers to use chrome while they want to read blogs and online books or checking mails and navigating through network
if  u want to blog or do any multitask network related work while browsing  internet i suggest u to use Firefox or flock.
soon am going to come with a new post on browser flock.that post includes how to flock effectively and use its feautures effectively.

jntu online bits for 2-1 1st mid all branches

                        2-1 CSE AND IT

Business Intelligence with SQL Server 2005: Transform Data into Decisions

Just came across a set of PerformancePoint webcasts on http :// thesource.ofallevil. com/events/series/sqlserverbi . mspx. Check out:

TechNet Webcast: Performance Management 101 with PerformancePoint Server 2007 (Level 200)
Thursday, January 18, 2007
1:00 P.M.–2:00 P.M. Pacific Time
Join us and learn how Office PerformancePoint Server 2007 enables businesses to deliver performance management capabilities broadly by providing an application that is easy to use and less costly to deploy than traditional solutions.

TechNet Webcast: Microsoft Business Intelligence: Introduction to PerformancePoint Server 2007 (Level 200)
Friday, January 19, 2007
8:00 A.M.–9:00 A.M. Pacific Time
Discover how Office PerformancePoint Server 2007 provides you with critical visibility into the factors that affect your business, allowing you to make decisions and take actions that drive better business outcomes.

SQL Server Proximity Search

George, a good friend of mine created a blog post showing how you can do a SQL Server Zipcode Latitude/Longitude proximity distance search without using the geography data type. I searched the internet to see if anyone had something similar with the geography data type available in 2008 and could not find anything that showed some useful stuff. Yes there is a lot available with geometry and polygons but nothing I was looking for. George challenged me and I did the 2008 version.

There is nothing really complicated. if you run this
DECLARE @g geography;
DECLARE @h geography;
SET @h = geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(-77.36750 38.98390)', 4326);
SET @g = geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(-77.36160 38.85570)', 4326);
SELECT @g.STDistance(@h)/1609.344;

You will see that the distance in miles between those two points is 8.8490611480890067

In the end the code runs between 15 and 60 millisecond to get all the zipcodes within 20 miles of zipcode 10028, pretty impressive if you ask me

All the code including sample data for all the zip codes in the US can be found here

The reason I did not post it here is because George created the 2000 version so it would be weird if the 2008 version was somewhere else, but no worries I will have a post here tomorrow about "what do you wish you knew when you were starting?" Michelle Ufford  tagged me so look forward to that